Unicorns are real, and despite their beauty they are stronger, smarter, and work much harder than donkeys.

This is the best thing about Google Analytics and why I install it on every client website. It allows you to separate your Unicorns from your Donkeys.

Unicorns are those top 5% of pages that generate the most value for your business organically. To find them, you just need to know where to look.


If you do not have Google Analytics or some kind of website tracking software installed, you will just have to keep riding your donkeys.


Here is how to find your Unicorns with Google Analytics 3 Easy Steps


Step 1: Log into your google analytics account


Step 2: Go to Acquisition > Search Console > Landing Pages


Step 3: Set you Date range to the past 3 months. Unicorns can turn into donkeys over time if you don't take care of them, so you want to make sure you are finding the ones that are performing you right now.


Depending on how many pages you have on your website, the top 3 - 10 pages in this list are your unicorns. Now that you have identified them, all you need to do is tweak them to start sending traffic to your sales pages and CTA's (call to actions).

Once you have done this, you will definitely see an increase in sales and leads on your website.